
What if?

About 2 months after we got married I forgot to take my birth control pills 2 days in a row. Oops. So I got out my little birth control pamphlet and read the instructions. The instructions told me to take 2 pills that day and then to take 2 pills the next day.

Great. No problem.

The day for my period came and went. I knew it might be a little bit "messed up" since I had missed the pills. Another day or two went by. No period.

And the question began to creep into my mind: What if?
What if there WAS a baby?

Would it really be SO bad?
We weren't "ready" for a baby.
We didn't have good jobs.
How would WE make it work?

We'd trust God.
We'd believe it was His plan and that this baby was from Him and He'd provide.

It would be ok, but definitely NOT ideal.

I decided to take a pregnancy test. It was negative. About 4 days late I started my period.
Phew! Our plan wasn't messed up after all. We wouldn't have to rely on God more...we wouldn't have to give up "our time" yet...we wouldn't have to be uncomfortable.

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