
Postpartum planning...and a change of THE plan.

While I was pregnant with Kenzie, I continued to look at birth control options. I mean...the PLAN was to have baby #2 when baby #1 was about 2 years old. This meant not getting pregnant until baby #1 was around 15-16 months old.

So. I looked at my options.

Option #1. Birth control pills.
Problem #1: I had done enough research on the Pill at this point, that I had figured out there were two types. Combination pills (estrogen and progestin) and Progestin Only Pills (POPs or the minipill). The POPs are NOT consistent at preventing ovulation and primarily work through thickening cervical mucous and not allowing a proper uterine lining to form, making the uterus less hospitable to a baby.

So while I was still comfortable with combination pills where the JOB of the pill was to prevent me from ovulating, I couldn't justify taking the minipill. If I wanted to breastfeed, the Minipill was my only option.

So the Pill was out.

Problem #2: Barrier methods weren't our thing. I know it may be too much info, but they just made things seem less enjoyable...less natural. You had to plan things out more. We didn't feel as connected.

At the same time, I learned about the natural child-spacing benefits of breastfeeding. We decided the easiest thing would be to tweak our plan a little bit. I was already planning on breastfeeding...so, instead of trying so hard to put 2 years between baby #1 and baby #2, we decided to just utilize the "built in system". We realized that we'd be taking a "risk" since fertility could really return at any time. But we decided to practice trusting God for His timing.

So Kenzie was born in April 2007. And we did nothing but expectantly wait for the news of our next blessing.

*At this point, I was still TOTALLY "ok" with the combination pill and was fully expecting to use it again after baby #2. We still hadn't figured out what we were going to do while I nursed baby #2 but we figured we had some time and we'd figure it out later.

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